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Offiziell: Big Mac drittschnellster Supercomputer

Es war ja bereits erwartet worden, nun macht Wired es offiziell: Der Virginia-Super-Cluster ist tatsächlich der weltweit drittschnellste Supercomputer und zusätzlich vergleichsweise spottbillig.

"Virginia Tech's "Big Mac" supercomputer is officially the world's third-fastest supercomputer.
As previously reported, preliminary numbers suggested Big Mac would be ranked that high, but now it's official.
Big Mac -- the first supercomputer made of Macs -- trails only Japan's Earth Simulator and Los Alamos National Laboratory's ASCI Q in theTop500, a list of the world's 500 fastest machines.

The ranking will be unveiled Sunday at the opening of the Supercomputer Conference in Phoenix.

The machine, strung together from 1,100 dual-processor Power Mac G5s, is the first supercomputer made from Macs. It is also one of the cheapest supercomputers ever made, costing a relatively modest $5.2 million. The Earth Simulator cost an estimated $350 million to $400 million."

Die Top 500 Liste lässt sich natürlich auch online einsehen.

Posted by Leo at 15:02 | Permalink


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