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The world's 40 best directors

The world's 40 best directors im Guardian, Platz 1: David Lynch.

"Providing a portal into the collective subconscious, the daydream nation conjured up in tales such as Blue Velvet, Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive is by turns frightening, exasperating, revelatory and wild. Nobody makes films like David Lynch. He is our spooky tour guide through a world of dancing dwarves, femme fatales and little blue boxes that may (or may not) contain all the answers. We wouldn't want to live in the places he takes us. Somehow, we suspect, we do."


Fraglich bleibt nur die Abwesenheit von Jim Jarmusch sowie die Anwesenheit der Wachowski Brüder, die mit Matrix Revolutions ihren Platz in den Top 40 bei weitem verwirkt haben sollten...

Posted by Leo at 23:41 | Permalink


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