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MacRumors fragt sich, ob Apple zum Zwanzigjährigen einen eigenen Superbowl Werbespot entwickelt hat:
"Last month's print version of Advertising Age reported that Apple was in talks with their Advertising agency, TBWA/Chiat/Day, about developing a 20th Anniversary Superbowl Advertisement "that would be reminiscent of "1984".
Apple had not purchased any Superbowl advertising spots at the time the Adage article (Pay Content) was published."
Forbes.com mit zahlreichen Spekulationen über kommende Apple Produkte:
"Speeds of 2.4 to 2.6 GHz would be consistent with exactly where I would expect them to be right now," Glaskowsky says.
Faster chips will also migrate to the Powerbook notebook line. There's a pretty good chance that a Powerbook G5 notebook will appear no later than the summer of 2004.
"There are no technical hurdles to producing a Powerbook G5. It could easily appear in January," Glaskowsky says."
Bei Computerworld.com wirft man einen Blick voraus auf Apple im Jahre 2004:
"If cheaper iPods don't make it to market, more robust ones surely will. And new iPod software updates will provide more features on the existing models. The iPod is practically a PDA as well as a music device, and there are many ways Apple could conceivably expand it. One would be to incorporate Bluetooth functionality, either allowing for wireless music and file transfer between an iPod and a computer or boosting interoperability with wireless headsets and other devices. I would also not be surprised to see a color iPod, allowing it to function as a small picture viewer and possibly paving the way for a future as a video player."
Auch Michael Gartenberg lässt es sich nicht nehmen eine Top Ten Vorschau auf 2004 zu liefern, darunter:
"5. Apple will return to the IT market. The time is right. While Microsoft remains in a Longhorn holding pattern, Apple Computer will seize the opportunity to gain some modest ground with IT departments that are looking for valid Microsoft alternatives."
"10. Moore's Law will continue to be irrelevant for most users. While speed increases are nice, they remain unjustified for most users, for whom "fast" was fast enough around 1999. The focus will be on vendors providing more customer-based software that increases productivity rather than on feeds and speeds."
Zahlen zum iPod (Apples Jahresbericht entnommen): Zwischen Sep. 2002 und September 2003 wurden jede Minute 1,79 iPods verkauft, somit ist der iPod der meistverkaufte MP3-Player mit einem fast 30% Marktanteil weltweit.
In der Chicago Sun-Times werden ein mehr Zahlen zum Apple Store Chicago enthüllt:
"It's the highest-trafficked Apple retail store worldwide," says Ron Johnson, 45, senior vice president and the man Apple founder Steve Jobs recruited to launch Apple's highly touted retail effort. "The Chicago store averages 30,000 visitors per week," Johnson said."
Ebenso interessant:
"There's even a waiting list to work for Apple. "We have 17,000 applicants for 1,000 retail positions," Johnson said. "It's harder to get a job at an Apple store than it is to get admitted to Stanford University," quips Johnson."
Auch die kommenden Quartalszahlen am 14. Januar 2004 werden wie gewohnt per QuickTime live übertragen.
Pflicht RSS-Reader NetNewsWire wurde als schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk auf Version 1.0.7 gebracht und enthält einige praktische Neuigkeiten, unter anderem Unterstützung für Favicons.
Kein Wunder, dass Apple Deutschland es nur 2 Tage vor Ablauf des Weihnachtsgeschäfts geschafft hat, einen überflüssigen deutschen Pressespiegel zum iPod zusammenzustellen, denn damit hätte man garantiert etliche Kaufwillige abhalten können:
"Neben A-C-D & C sind I-P-O & D die heißesten vier Buchstaben im Rock'n'Roll", schreibt die BRAVO.
"Haben-Müssen-Teil" -fein designt, mit Handschmeichler-Haptik und intuitiver Bedienung. Eben durch und durch ein Mac." Blablat der Playboy und hat noch nicht verstanden, dass der iPod beim besten Willen kein Mac ist!
Dann doch lieber BvSB...
In San Francisco wird aufgrund der Unzufriedenheit einiger Kunden mit der Lebensdauer des iPod Akkus eine mögliche Sammelklage gegen Apple vorbereitet.
Laut Think Secret nähert sich QuarkXPress 6.1 langsam wirklich der Veröffentlichung:
"In emails to customers, Quark technical engineers state that Version 6.1 will probably be released sometime within the next several days. The update will be available as download at Quark's Web site, the emails said."
Eine sehr ausführliche Besprechung der Sony DSC-T1, weltweit dünnste 5MP Digitalkamera, momentan leider erst auf dem japanischen Markt verfügbar:
"I am still very much taken with the Sony DSC-T1. Showing it to friends they just are amazed how small it is and that it packs 5MP and 3x optical zoom. The 2.5" big screen is great to show photos on the spot.
The handling is excellent and I very quickly got used to the on-screen menu. In most cases the automatic mode gives great pictures. Switching on the Camera by shifting down the lens-cover is just plain cool, like playing with a Zippo Lighter. The DSC-T1 is pretty much immediately ready for taking a picture. Must be less than a second."
Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
12/23 Emperor's Birthday in Japan
Posted by Leo at 11:39 | Permalink
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