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iPod Sex - Apple had no comment.
Der Dauerkonsumentenbeschuss geht weiter, weitab von den üblichen Technologie-Gazetten. So liefert der Guardian gleich selbst eine iPod Presseschau:
Zuerst die aneinander gereihten Superlative:
"It is easy to see why it has become scarce. The sleek, pocket-sized iPod, priced from £250, was ranked No 1 in the 50 best music systems listed in Saturday's Independent ("the top of the heap in terms of style and value"), and was placed first in the Stuff list of its 100 greatest gadgets. "The coolest thing to come out of California since the Beach Boys" was not just the year's must-have, determined the magazine - "heck, it's this decade 's must-have".
Dann der Sarkasmus:
"The iPod's rise appears unstoppable, despite even the attentions of Dominic Mohan. "I'm in love with this machine and I may start sleeping with it," he gushed in GQmagazine."
(Dominic Mohan ist übrigens die englische Version von Katja Kessler)
Zuletzt endlich handfeste 'Kritik':
"But not everyone was won over. "I gather that such a podule can contain as many as 10,000 'songs'," intoned Professor Gideon Garter in the Sunday Times's Intellectual Guide to Fashion column. "Are there 10,000 songs? Why would one want to carry so many? I am afraid the sight of people with personal stereos plugged into their head depresses me terribly. They strike me as individuals who are not sufficiently mentally dextrous to pass occasional silent moments in the contemplation of higher things."
Eine reine Fundgrube für Freunde des Zitats...
Derweil nimmt sich die BBC der iPod Kampagne an, wer bereits den AdAge Artikel gelesen hat, wird darin außer einigen netten Formulierungen allerdings nicht allzu viel Neues entdecken:
"The choice of music is the key. The three biggest-selling, credible genres of the day - hip hop, techno and garage rock are all represented in the television ads.
The tunes chosen are not necessarily the biggest-sellers, but they will be recognisable to the cognoscenti, which is what matters."
Dabei dürfen natürlich auch die obligatorischen Verknappungsberichte nicht fehlen, so bei USAToday.com:
"On Tuesday, Amazon.com (AMZN) was out of stock of the two cheapest models of the popular iPod digital music player, the 10GB and the 20GB. Target.com was out of all three models. Apple had no comment."
Posted by Leo at 19:40 | Permalink
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