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Steve Jobs und die unangekündigte Keynote
Kaum wundere ich mich textlich über die noch nicht angekündigte Jobs Keynote auf der MWSF04, schon beruhigt Think Secret:
"Sources inside Apple say Jobs has committed to doing the keynote, but has instructed Apple's public relations department to delay an announcement until he gives his permission.
Sources would not speculate why official word has yet to be made, except for one insider who quipped, "That's Steve. He does what he wants."
Außerdem wird QuickTime 6.5 vorhergesagt, was in den ansonsten momentan doch erheblich spektakuläreren Gerüchten beinahe untergehen dürfte:
"QuickTime 6.5 will extend playback and authoring support for mobile multimedia to two additional formats: 3GPP2 and AMC.
The update will also include enhancements to QuickTime's text track support as well as DV playback.
In addition, sources said Version 6.5 will improve support for other Apple applications, such as Final Cut Pro, iDVD and iMovie."
Posted by Leo at 17:16 | Permalink
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