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Keynote Endspurt: GarageBand sowie eine potenzielle Festplatte für den Mini iPod

Man merkt, dass die 'noch 24 Stunden bis zum Keynotebeginn'-Schwelle bereits durchbrochen ist.
MacRumors geht von einer definitiven 'GarageBand' Vorstellungen aus, worum es sich dabei aber genau handelt bleibt bislang recht ungewiss, auf Seite 2 wird gemunkelt, dass dies die neue iApp sei, ein Musikprogramm für den Heimanwender.
Nach wie vor ist man sich sicher, dass ein Mini iPod kommen wird, und mit dem heute vorgestellten 2GB Laufwerk von Cornice ist dies durchaus wahrscheinlich, so zitiert MacDailyNews:
"According to Cornice press release ('embargoed until Jan. 5, 2004' ...hmmm..interesting....), the new drive will be 'a key component in some of the most innovative MP3 players,'" iPod-Zone.com is reporting. "It also states that 'Leading consumer electronics infrastructure providers like PortalPlayer announced their continued intent to optimize their offerings for use with Cornice’s Storage Element, providing consumer electronics manufacturers an easy way to incorporate the Cornice Storage Element within future products.' PortalPlayer makes the software and part of the hardware for the Apple iPods... Interesting!"

In den verbleibenden Stunden darf sicher noch mit weiteren kurzweiligen Informations/Spekulationsausbrüchen gerechnet werden.

Auch CNET berichtet über die Vorbereitungen zur Keynote:
"Security during set-up for the show is tight, as always, with Apple's booth obscured by a huge black tarp on all sides. Posted at the main entrance are two rather generic banners for the iPod. Tucked neatly behind each of the 15-foot banners, however, is another banner that is rolled up and whose contents are obscured from view, presumably a banner containing details of at least some of what Jobs has up his sleeve."

Zugleich wurden dort auch wieder altbekannte Cinema Display Gerüchte ausgepackt:
"Neff also speculated that Apple may update its line of Cinema Displays, which currently come in 17-inch, 20-inch and 23-inch varieties. "Speculation revolves around a new 30-inch high-definition display and a refresh to the 20-inch and 23-inch display offerings to include USB 2.0 ports, sharper graphics and faster refresh rates," he said in the research note."

Beim MacObserver freut man sich derweil lieber schon auf Steves wahrscheinlich gewohnt lässiges Outfit:
"I will also give Steve props for (a) choosing a keynote uniform that conceals any and all sweat stains (unlike one Microsoft CEO I could mention), and (b) never attempting to cloak his (incredibly cool) aura of subtle evil by appearing in public wearing a faux-folksy pullover sweater (like another Microsoft CEO I could mention.)"

Posted by Leo at 00:55 | Permalink


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