« NeujahrsMacOrama | Start | Keynote Endspurt: GarageBand sowie eine potenzielle Festplatte für den Mini iPod »
Unter Independent.co.uk wird nicht nur verraten, wie sich mit dem iPod scratchen lässt:
"Some DJs reckon they have found a stop-gap "scratching" technique - stabbing the button at the centre of the iPod twice, which makes the track rewind a fraction."
Sondern man hat auch eine kleine Steven Paul Jobs Lebensgeschichte zu bieten:
"Born in February 1955, Steven Paul Jobs was an orphan adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs, who raised him in Los Altos, California, a town that was later to become part of Silicon Valley. At school, he was a "loner", according to one former teacher, who "always had a different way of looking at things". His interest in electronics surfaced early. Jobs took summer work at Hewlett-Packard, where he made friends with Stephen Wozniak, an engineering whiz-kid five years his senior."
Trotz dem gerade in Deutschland doch recht geringen Apple Marktanteil, kann man sich über fehlende Informations-/Netzaktivitäten wohl kaum beschweren, seit heute ist nun apfeltalk.de offiziell am Start und stellt eine weitere stets besuchenswerte Seite im deutschen Mac-Netz dar.
Bei den MacGuardians gibt es einen schönen bebilderten Vorabbericht aus San Francisco:
"Sonntag. Sonne. San Francisco. Am Vormittag haben wir uns von unserem traditionellen Silicon-Valley-Standquartier Hotel California in Palo Alto (wo bekanntlich auch Familie Jobs ihre bescheidene Hütte hat) aufgemacht in die Hauptstadt alter Hippieträume."
MacRumors erinnert aus gegebenem Anlass nochmals sowohl an Apples einstmals eingetragenen Trademarks, darunter iWrite und Garage Band, wie auch an Steve Jobs Aussagen im jährlichen Analyst Meeting (mehr dazu auch bei mir gesammelt):
"The way we stay ahead is we stay really close to the customer and keep doing what we do well. For example, digital photo apps. iPhoto is the king of that but even iPhotos have limitations that people are running up against - some major ones - those need to be solved." .... "And there are new categories of applications that people don't even think of yet, that we're working on. So, believe me, we have a lot of innovation up our sleeve when it comes the digital lifestyle/digital hub class of applications - a LOT. And, um, you'll be seeing some of it next year. Very strong stuff."
Neben den üblichen und meist eher langweilenden Vorhersagen für die morgige Keynote listet Apple-X.net 10 Dinge auf, die definitiv nicht geschehen werden:
"Steve Jobs will not give the Macworld 2004 Keynote... naked!"
Think Secret hat einige weitere Software Beobachtungen hinsichtlich der bereits gestarteten Macworld zusammengetragen. Dabei Informationen zu FileMaker 7 sowie gesammelte Spekulationshäppchen zu Discreets Cleaner, eMagic, Director MX 2004, sowie einer möglichen Audio-App für den Heimanwender.
MacRumors lässt sich seit kurzem auch per WAP heimsuchen, allemal praktisch zu erreichen unter http://wap.macrumors.com/ .
Die New York Post schreibt über den zurückbeissenden Apfel:
"These new beachheads have Apple's fortunes looking brighter than they have since it introduced the Macintosh in 1984.
"It's really remarkable," said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst with Jupiter Research. "If you look at where Apple was a few short years ago and where they are today, it's nothing short of phenomenal."
The Seattle Times nimmt ebenso Apples Stärken und Schwächen in einem knappen Jahresrückblick unter die Lupe:
"We have high expectations for Apple, which is why I judge it so harshly on the areas it misses. It will have a chance to make good on its potential next week at Macworld Expo."
USATODAY.com berichtet über die iPod Ads:
"The new ads do a terrific job of seducing and selling, of making the target turn on and want the product, now," Salzman says. "Interestingly, the ads also transcend nationality and age — they are about an Apple state of mind."
Ein NASA Foto bietet den vertrauten Anblick von drei fröhlich genutzten PowerBooks, der Jubel ist allerdings wohl eher der gelungenen Landung des Mars Rover 'Spirit' zuzuschreiben.
(via MacNN)
Robert X. Cringely, der letztens erst mit einer Apple Tablet Prognose unterhielt, gibt nun seine allgemeinen IT Vorhersagen für 2004 zu Protokoll, darunter findet sich geballte Apple Gerüchteküche:
"Wal-Mart's entry into the music download business changes everything, and will undoubtedly take the leadership away from Apple. This wouldn't bother Apple if Wal-Mart would support its file standards so Wal-Mart music can play on iPods, but that won't happen. In order to compete for what really counts (iPod sales, not music downloads), Apple MIGHT start to support other file formats. No guarantee on that. What IS guaranteed is that Apple will introduce a cheaper iPod using flash memory instead of a hard drive. Oh, and for next Christmas expect a video iPod, which is essentially a hard drive with a dedicated DV encoder/decoder and a FireWire interface. You'll be able to record video direct to the hard drive then edit from that same drive, completely eliminating tape. The logical follow-on from Apple would be a complete QuickTime video camera, but I don't see that until 2005."
Boston Globe übers Apples Einfluss auf die IT Szene:
"But market share is one thing, mindshare quite another. Under Jobs, Apple has positioned itself as the "thought leader" of America's high-technology sector, winning a reputation as one of the world's most innovative firms.
"I think the reason here is really extremely simple. They make really good stuff," said Josh Bernoff, principal analyst for Forrester Research in Cambridge. "In order for them to compete in a Microsoft-dominated world, they have to create products that are just outstanding."
Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
01/05 The FCC hears the first demonstration of FM radio, 1940
Posted by Leo at 13:52 | Permalink
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