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Apple angeklagt

Die drohenden Sammelklagen (etwas dazu hier bei mir verlinkt) haben sich manifestiert, so schreibt Macworld UK:

"It's alleged the company misrepresented its iPod digital music player's battery life; violation of a California law for unfair competition and violation of California's Consumer Legal Remedies Act have also been alleged; allegations of false advertising, fraudulent concealment and breach of warranty have also been made.
Apple is also one of eight defendants named in a patent infringement suit filed by East Texas Technology Partners January 23. The plaintiff's lawsuit alleges Apple infringed a patent (6,574,239) relating to "virtual connection of a remote unit to a server."
Apple has also been named as defendant in a class-action filed January 9 in California, "alleging improper collection of sales tax in transactions involving mail-in rebates", Dow Jones reports."

Posted by Leo at 15:51 | Permalink


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