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Die E-Commerce Times widmet sich ausführlich den Wissenschaftlern und ihrem Drang zum Mac:
"Indeed, as senior software engineer at the MIT Whitehead Institute for Genome Research, William Van Etten once needed four computers to do his work: a Windows box for productivity , a Unix box for development, a Linux computer for Linux development and a notebook computer.
When Mac OS X became viable, Van Etten was able to slim down to a single computer: a Mac.[...]
Indeed, because PCs no longer carry the huge price advantage they once did, choosing a hardware and software configuration now also involves an element of personal preference, Gray said. He noted that with Macs, "you do not have the [same] sort of virus problem as with Windows."
And David J. Stevenson, George Van Osdol Professor of Planetary Science at Caltech, said that he, like Golombek, has used Macs for years because he does not want to be a rocket scientist of system administration."
Sehr schöner iCal Tipp bei macosxhints:
"You can view two days at a time in iCal by typing command-option-2, three days by typing command-option-3, and so on, up to seven days."
Die 36.000 iBooks in Maine scheinen sich unterrichtstechnisch auszuzahlen:
"Students who use laptops are more engaged in learning and produce better-quality work, according to a report released Wednesday that gives high grades to Maine's 2-year-old program".
Apple hat eine eigene Seite für Free- und Shareware rund um iTunes und iPod online gestellt.
(via MacBidouille)
In Target Stores soll es ab dem 15. Februar '15$ Gift Cards' für den iTunes Music Store geben, schreibt iPodlounge.com.
Walt Mossberg erklärt Windows Usern den Target Disk Mode:
"All of this is much easier in the Apple world. If you are moving up from an old Macintosh to a new one, and both machines have FireWire ports — common on Macintoshes — you can just link the two computers with a standard FireWire cable. No special software is required.
After setting up the new Macintosh, you just reboot it while holding down the "T" key. That puts the computer in a special mode in which it acts like an extra hard disk on the old Mac, and it shows up on the old Mac's screen as a hard-drive icon. To move data files and settings, you simply drag the contents of the "Home" folder from the old Mac to the "Home" folder on the new one. Most programs can also be transferred in a similar way, by simply dragging the icons representing them from the Applications folder on the old machine to the Applications folder on the new one.
Someday, perhaps, Microsoft will come up with something just as simple and effective for long-suffering Windows users. At least, we can dare to dream."
Der tausendste 'Virginia Tech Supercomputer könnte Apples Serververkäufe ankurbeln'-Artikel, immerhin bei Investors.com:
"Sure, the firm had long touted the newest G5 models as fast. But that referred to their speedy film editing and CD burning, not the massive number crunching needed to sequence genomes or model weather patterns.
"It shocked a lot of people," said Virginia Tech spokeswoman Lynn Nystrom.
Apple may have more surprises on the way. The company best known for the slick iPod and cutesy iMac is betting that Virginia Tech's coup opens doors to new, more button-down markets."
Wer schonmal will reinschnuppern will:
NetNewsWire Atom Beta.
GarageBand 1.0.1 Update (21 MB):
"This update clarifies specific alert dialogs regarding system performance."
Xcode 1.1.1 steht laut Think Secret vor der Tür:
"Apple said that feedback from developers, as well as the company's own testing, produced a number of bug fixes which are included in the update. Changed areas include gcc, IDE, and other Xcode components, the company said in a seed note."
Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
02/13* Be happy, It's Adar !
Posted by Leo at 01:45 | Permalink
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