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iPod trifft seinen Meister

Allerdings nicht in Form des Dell Bizarro DJ, sondern selbstverständlich im iPod mini, wie Rob Pegoraro treffend in der Washington Post anmerkt:

"Finally, somebody has outdone the iPod. After years of unsuccessful attempts by Creative, Dell, Rio, Samsung and others to knock Apple's MP3 player off its pedestal, we've got a player that makes the iPod seem like the oversize, clunky relic it (now) is.
That player is Apple's iPod mini, a $249 gadget not much bigger than a cell phone. On sale starting Friday, it packs the old iPod's virtues into a smaller, lighter, sturdier, more elegant and cheaper design.[...]
The old iPod worked fine, but this is better. This kind of painstaking perfectionism explains why the iPod continues to sell so well -- the rest of the industry runs on a "get it working, then move onto something else" mentality."

Posted by Leo at 21:18 | Permalink


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