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Köpft den iMac

Das fordert zumindest einmal mehr (Gerüchte/Forderungen nach einem Shuttle Mac kursierten immer wieder) Alex Salkever aufgrund der mauen iMac-Verkaufszahlen in der Business Week:

"A competitive, freestanding, entry-level computer that's sleek and powerful has a role. The all-in-one eMac with a CRT monitor has done fine by targeting schools, but it's just too bulky for consumers, I think. The PowerMac G5 line is a big jump up in cost from the iMac when you add the requisite monitor. The PowerMac G4 is competitive price-wise with the iMac and offers better expansion options, but it has a clunky, massive footprint that barely fits under a normal desk.
So a headless iMac -- a pretty little machine that sits beneath your desk and provides enough power to do nice things but not enough to run a advertising agency -- might fit into the plans of people who, say, own an Apple laptop and want a second machine."

Posted by Leo at 12:48 | Permalink


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