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Neues zur Apple vs. Apple Klage

Im September 2003 sorgte es für breites Aufsehen: Apple Corps, Plattenfirma der Beatles und Apple waren sich äußerst uneinig :
"Over a decade ago, Apple signed an agreement with Apple Corps, a business controlled by the Beatles and their heirs, which specified the rights each company would have to use the 'Apple' trademark. Unfortunately, Apple and Apple Corps now have differing interpretations of this agreement and will need to ask a court to resolve this dispute."

Seitdem war es ruhig geworden, nun wird am Rande des SEC-Filings angemerkt, was bisher passiert ist:
"Plaintiff, Apple Corps filed this action on July 4, 2003 in the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, in London alleging that the Company has breached a 1991 agreement which resolved earlier trademark litigation regarding use of the Apple marks. Plaintiff seeks unspecified damages and other relief. The Company filed a motion on October 13, 2003, challenging jurisdiction in the U.K. On October 8, 2003, the Company filed a case in the United States District Court for the Northern District of California requesting a declaratory judgment that the Company has not breached the 1991 agreement. Apple Corps is challenging jurisdiction in the California case. Hearings on both jurisdictional challenges are set for February 2004."
Demnächst also wieder mehr dazu...

Posted by Leo at 01:11 | Permalink


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