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Pixar-Disneys wirre Nachwehen (Update)

Die ganze Pixar Disney Geschichte nimmt immer skurrilere Züge an, so kann man bei Forbes.com lesen:

"Eisner reserved his best barb for Steve Jobs, the CEO of Pixar and also co-founder of Apple Computer Inc., whose Macintosh computers are a leading alternative to PCs running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system."
"He created the computer, or at least Windows, or whatever he created, and did a good job," Eisner said to peals of laughter from analysts attending the company conference in Orlando, Florida."

Zugleich berichtet die Times online:

"Pixar, whose chairman is Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, which until last week was involved in a joint venture with Disney, is understood to be looking at forming a consortium of financiers to counter Comcast’s bid.
A spokesman for Mr Jobs would not comment, but a Pixar source said: “Steve is looking very closely at this.”

Die New York Post kann es ebenfalls nicht lassen und mischt entsprechend fröhlich mit:

"Roberts, Comcast's CEO, is said to be wooing the Pixar Animation Studios chief to his side of the brewing battle for control of Disney, according to sources close to the unfolding events.[...]
At the same time, Jobs is said to be in active discussions with numerous parties, including cable operators, about putting together a rival bid of his own for Disney."

Posted by Leo at 10:27 | Permalink


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