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Der iPod bekommt seine eigene Abteilung [Update]
Apple hat etwas umstrukturiert, wie Reuters meldet. So gibt es neuerdings einen speziellen Bereich für den iPod, geleitet von Jon Rubinstein. Timothy Cook leitet die neu organisierte Mac-Abteilung und Tim Bucher soll sich um das hardware engineering kümmern. "This organizational refinement will focus our talent and resources even more precisely on our industry-leading Macintosh computers and the wildly successful iPod," the spokesman said.
MacCentral liefert verschiedene Analysteneinschätzungen: "I don't think that Mac hardware development will necessarily take a back seat to the iPod -- Apple's total Mac shipments were up year-over-year this last quarter," said Deal. "However, I do think that Jobs is well aware of the fact that Apple's growth is dependent upon exploiting beyond-the-box sources of revenue. Software, services, and iPod sales combined accounted for 39 percent of the company's total revenue last quarter. Non-computer revenue was up nearly 100 percent from the year-ago-quarter."
Posted by Leo at 09:30 | Permalink
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