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MacOrama für den 25. Mai 2004

macoramaGestern gab es noch Build 7H63 von 10.3.4 für die Entwickler, wie AppleInsider mitteilte: "With the seeding of build 7H60, sources said that the Mac OS X 10.3.4 quality assurance testing is near complete and the system update could be released as early as this week."
Ich tippe einfach mal ganz vorsichtig und komplett unverbindlich auf den heutigen Abend.

Man kann sich über Browser-Mangel unter OS X zwar kaum beschweren, wer gerne einen weiteren hätte, kann sich mit Shiira vertraut machen: "Shiira is a web browser based on Web Kit and written in Cocoa. The goal of the Shiira Project is to create a browser that is better and more useful than Safari. All source code used in this software is publicly available."

Zugleich gibt es die Roadmap zu Camino 0.9, die sich gut anhört: "A new tab widget, increasing performance and allowing us to customize the appearance over the OS tabs. Also lets us do fun stuff like dragging to reorder tabs."

Test der aktuellen PowerBook-Reihe in der Macworld, dort hat man einzig und alleine zu bemängeln, dass es keinen Zwischenschritt zwischen 12" und 15" gibt (meine eigenen Eindrücke zum aktuellen 15" gab es hier im fscklog).

Ein alte nette Sitte bei Apple, die mir bisher entgangen war, bei Sci-Fi Hi-Fi: "As many readers undoubtedly know, there is a longstanding tradition at Apple whereby employees are allowed to put more or less whatever job title they want on their business cards. One of my friends, who works on disc burning, for example, uses the title “Coaster Toaster”; another uses the intriguing designation “Mac OS X Meta Person.”

"These lessons include what else is changing the consumer electronics business in general, and how that industry now has to look at data storage. One important trend that bears watching is the phenomenon of the small hard drive. Apple, with its iPod and iPod Mini, along with their many imitators, have proved that with a small hard drive designed into a clever product you can make big changes in the consumer electronics industry."

Lahme Gerüchte zum nächsten iPod bei AppleInsider: "According to a seemingly reliable, yet unconfirmed report, the microchip Apple plans to use in its 4th generation iPod will not only allow for hardware decoding of MPEG-4/AAC, but will also boast several ENCODE capabilities. The source of the tip refused to provide further comment on other known details of the chip, but claimed no inside knowledge of how Apple plans on using the ENCODE capability in the new iPod, noting only that it would would be churlish of the company to ignore the feature."
Übrigens ist der Chip im iPod bereits jetzt theoretisch in der Lage zu MP3 encoding, der im iPod mini zusätzlich zu JPEG decoding.

Posted by Leo at 16:54 | Permalink


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