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MacOrama für den 13. Mai 2004

macoramaMacBidouille berichtet von einer Demo des verzögerten VirtualPC 7, welches noch sehr instabil sein soll, dafür aber interessantes zu bieten hat:
"VPC7 should manage and support natively graphic cards, and that's a huge improvement and particularly good news. In this way, we can expect to be able to play PC games on a Mac, it will probably require a quite fast processor and a good graphic card. For example, DirectX will not be emulated, but directly treated, as on a PC, by the graphic card!!!"

MacFixIt berichtet weiter vom PowerBook mit über 1GB RAM + Airport Extreme Dropout Problem:
"We could provide many, many similar quotes from readers. The number of reports that seem to conform to the same pattern -- more than 1GB of RAM results in AirPort problems; removing RAM to reduce the total to 1GB or less fixes the problem -- has been quite surprising."

PhotoToTypePad dürfte ein sehr brauchbares iPhoto PlugIn werden, zumindest für typepad-Nutzer, die in Deutschland bisher zwar noch relativ spärlich gesäht sind, was sich mit einer bald lokalisierten Version allerdings ändern dürfte (mehr dazu bei typeblog.de):
"PhotoToTypePad is an iPhoto plugin that enables posting of photos directly to TypePad photo albums." Kurz vor der Veröffentlichung.

Der dahinsiechende Tablet PC bei TMO:
"Last week at the Windows Hardware Engineering Conference (WinHEC) in Seattle, Microsoft executives said they had yet to decide just how this part of the next-generation Longhorn technology would be implemented. However, the number of companies offering slate Tablet PCs has declined, industry watchers said, indicative of the fact that tablets are still too highly priced and lack the functionality of modern notebooks."

Apple ist auf der E3 (mehr dazu bei engadget) vertreten:
"Attendees are welcome to walk in and play games on the nine Power Mac G5s equipped with Apple Cinema Displays, as well as a pair of 20-inch iMacs. A steady flow of visitors have watched game trailers and partaken of some network gameplay with Unreal Tournament 2004, Halo, Call of Duty and Command and Conquer: Generals. Other games are also on display, including MacPlay's Tron 2.0, Feral Interactive's XIII, Medal of Honor: Breakthrough, Delta Force: Black Hawk Down and several kids' titles."

FinderIcon 1.3 endlich vollkommen 10.3 tauglich:
"FinderIconCM is a contextual menu plugin for Mac OS X that let you copy/paste/clear/view icon(s) without opening Finder's Get Info dialog. It also has 'pict to icon' feature."

Erweiternd zum Apple Death Knell Counter beim MacObserver erblickte der iPod Death Knell Counter das Licht, mit allerdings recht unspektakulärer Artikel Listung (wenn dort wirklich jeder Artikel mit der Überschrift 'iPod Killer' aufgeführt werden soll, dürfte das eine umfangreiche Sammlung werden).
(via O'Reilly Dev Weblogs)

'The Missing Digital Photography Hacks' im MacDevCenter:
"Secretly, in the depths of my hard drive, I've kept an ongoing list of new tricks and workarounds, and now for the first time I'm going to divulge a few of these "missing hacks." They're not in the book or in anything else I've written. They are simply the fruits of my ongoing obsession."

"Der IT-Security-Dienstleister Integralis hat in einer Neuauflage weitere 23 Bluetooth-Handys auf Sicherheitslücken untersucht und 13 Modelle mit Schwachstellen identifiziert. Dabei sind zum Teil aktuelle Modelle der Hersteller Nokia, Panasonic, Siemens und Sony Ericsson." U.a. SE T610, 630 und Z600.

FireWireless ab demnächst:
"Die Wireless Working Group der 1394 Trade Association hat einen neuen Protocol Adaptation Layer (PAL) für FireWire (IEEE 1394) über IEEE 802.15.3, einem Standard für Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN), verabschiedet. So soll es künftig möglich sein, beispielsweise DVD-Player und Soundsysteme kabellos miteinander und mit einem kabelgebundenen Netzwerk zu verbinden. " Erste merkwürdige Prototypen dürfte es ab Ende des Jahres zu sehen geben.

Böse Sicherheitslücke in 802.11b:
"The 802.11b network is supported by a number of computing platforms including Macs, PCs and handheld devices and in 99.9 per cent of all cases is the only way to connect to wireless networks," Professor Looi said. "In order to exploit the vulnerability potential attackers only need a common wireless adaptor which retails for about US$35 and instead of using it to enable their computer to access a network, they can change its coding to interfere with transmission. "With this adaptor you can basically totally disrupt any wireless network that uses this technology within a kilometer of its operation in anywhere between five and eight seconds."

Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
05/13 Arthur S. Sullivan born, 1842
(So geht das).

Posted by Leo at 19:37 | Permalink


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