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MacOrama für den 10. Juli 2004
Think Secret hat Dashboard unter die Lupe genommen: "In its current iteration, Dashboard consists of eight different Widgets: Calculator, Calendar, Address Book, iTunes, Stickies, World Clock, and a Tile game. These are the only Widgets included with build 8A162 (the WWDC Preview Release), but others were shown at the keynote as well as on Apple's website including a Stock Ticker and Web Cam viewer."
Ein 10.4 Detail, was mir so noch nicht über den Weg gelaufen ist, leider ohne weitere Informationen bei codepoetry: "Fast Logout/Autosave: In short, you can do the "Do you want to save your document?" dialogs when you next log in rather than as you log out. Cute, eh?"
Da braut sich was zusammen mit 10.4, Safari und HTML-Standards. Man verfolge weiterhin aufmerksam Dave Hyatts Blog, oder lese Need to know: "DON'T YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND? It's BROWSER WARS II - ELECTRIC BOOGALOO!" (via Boing Boing)
eWeek berichtet über Automator: "But Automator is not simply a new front end to AppleScript. Although it's capable of running AppleScripts as well as Unix shell scripts, Automator Actions are compiled C++ code. Third-party developers wanting to let customers use their applications in the Automator environment will need to write their own set of Actions, in addition to opening them up to AppleScript."
Ausführliche FAQ zum iPod im BMW in der Knowledge Base.
ASCIIMoviePlayerSample: "Bring back the glory days of ASCII art with ASCIIMoviePlayer! This sample demonstrates using a MovieDrawingCompleteProc to render a QuickTime movie in the Mac OS X Terminal. Yes, it's true, now you can enjoy the latest QuickTime Movie Trailers without leaving the comfort of the command line."
(via vowe)
Leser-Erfahrungsbericht: OpenOffice 1.1.2 für Mac OS X bei den MacGuardians: "Obgleich die Verbesserungen vielleicht nicht revolutionär erscheinen mögen, hat OpenOffice mit der aktuellen Version doch einen spürbaren Sprung gemacht."
metamac hat einen angenehm technologiegebrabbelfreien Testbericht des SE Z1010 zu bieten: "Ich persönlich bin – nach allem – begeistert von der Schnelligkeit von UMTS und enttäuscht von dem Gerät als angeblich professionellem Instrument – es ist kein Smartphone, das einen Palm oder einen Treo ersetzen könnte. Vielleicht bringt die nächste Software-Revision Abhilfe."
Wired über Facetop, Videokonferenz bei gleichzeitiger Desktopeinblendung:
"The system is implemented in Mac OS X and is made possible largely by the system's Quartz rendering engine, which can make any part of the interface transparent. Thanks to Quartz, a quick prototype was whipped up in about 45 minutes, Smith said. A PC version will likely be delayed until the release of Longhorn, the next major version of Windows, due in 2006, which will include a similar graphics subsystem."
Der KLOC Floor Lounger von Ligne Roset: "A rug with a hump."
(via Funfurde)
Smart gibt Futter für den iPod.
"To capitalize on potentially disenfranchised Windows server customers, Apple is planning on providing an NT migration tool as part of the Mac OS X Server 10.4 Tiger release, due out in the first half of 2005. Built right into the server operating system, the tool also will enable users to migrate from Windows Server 2000 to Tiger, Apple officials said." Schreibt eWeek und die Computerworld freut sich auf 10.4 Server: "But once again, the systems administrator in me is at least as excited -- if not more so -- by the features coming in the future version of Mac OS X Server. Apple touts 200 new or updated features in Tiger Server, but the one that caught my eye first -- and had me practically jumping up and down shouting -- was access control lists."
Und natürlich ein nicht so ganz schlüssiger Fehler.
In eigener Sache: Heute und morgen kann noch beim ZEIT Preisbloggen nominiert werden, Einträge von fscklog.com unter Fachblog werden nach wie vor mit Freude meinerseits quittiert.
Außerdem (Halb-)Wissenswertes aus dem Terminal - heute:
07/10 John Calvin born, 1509
(So geht das).
Posted by Leo at 14:24 | Permalink
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