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Steve Jobs auf dem Wege der Besserung

Kaum jemand wird noch nichts über die Krebsoperation von Steve Jobs gelesen habe, eine derartige mediale Verbreitung dürfte in solch einem Fall sonst selten sein (bei express.de musste/konnte man tatsächlich lesen: "Schock! Apple-Chef hat Krebs - Steve Jobs (49) – er ist neben Bill Gates einer der bekanntesten Computer-Experten."). Umso erfreulicher, dass diese offenbar sehr positiv verlaufen ist: "The doctors felt very confident that the surgery was successful and (Jobs') prognosis is excellent." sagte Bill Campbell, ein Apple Vorstandsmitglied. "I was over there a little bit ago. He is awake, alert, energetic. His color is good." Ebenso schien Steve Jobs in seiner email an die Apple Mitarbeiter schon wieder zum Scherzen aufgelegt: "I'm sure I'll be calling some of you way too much in August, and I look forward to seeing you in September.
PS: I'm sending this from my hospital bed using my 17-inch PowerBook and an Airport Express."
Derweil hat Tim Cook die Tagesgeschäfte bei Apple übernommen: "Mr. Cook added that everyone at Apple "knows what we need to do. Steve is a very hands-on CEO and we've discussed on a weekly basis plans for the many many months ahead." Bei Pixar übernimmt vorerst Ed Catmull ('who already handles much of the day-to-day operations along with creative head John Lasseter') das Ruder. Ob diese als Jobs-Nachfolger tauglich wären, lässt man bei Apple offen: "Of course, it seems premature to speculate about a successor to Jobs. Or is it? "We have a talented and experienced senior management team," said an Apple spokeswoman. "Our board of directors has a formal succession plan in place but the details of that are not public."
SiliconValley.com sammelte Reaktionen von Apple Mitarbeitern: "She and two colleagues lunching at BJ's Restaurant & Brewhouse across from Apple's Cupertino headquarters said employees "weren't too concerned." "Knowing him, he'll be even more driven when he comes back," she said, with her two gal pals nodding in agreement. "My question is, is he going to have meetings from his hospital bed?" und "Apple spokeswoman Katie Cotton said Jobs had not collectively responded to all the well-wishers as of Monday afternoon. "We have been getting lots of good wishes and are grateful to receive them."

Posted by Leo at 15:06 | Permalink


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