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Apple: 'Opener ist kein Virus, Trojaner oder Wurm'
Vor über einer Woche wurde Opener 'entdeckt', inzwischen gab Apple ein Statement ab:
Opener is not a virus, Trojan horse, or worm. It does not propagate itself across a network, through email, or over the Web. Opener can only be installed by someone who already has access to your system and provides proper administrator authentication. Apple advises Macintosh users to only install software from vendors and Web sites that they know and trust.
wie ZDNet UK gerade berichtete. Sophos beharrt allerdings weiterhin auf der eigenen Wurm/Virus Sprachregelung:
"I know there has been a lot of debate about this," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos. "We class it as a worm. It's not going to spread very fast, but it does try to copy itself from Apple Mac drive to Apple Mac drive, and that still makes it a worm. If you saw something similar in the PC world, you would call it a worm."
Posted by Leo at 19:13 | Permalink
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