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Mac OS X 10.3.6 ist da [Update]

macosZur Abwechslung am freitäglichen Abend liegt 10.3.6 in der Softwareaktualisierung bereit (bei mir 14 MB groß, alternative gibts den Direktdownload des 'Delta'-Updates oder die 92 MB schwere Combo Variante).
Haptsächlich verbessert wurden dabei:
•improved file sharing for Mac (AFP), UNIX (NFS) and PC (SMB/CIFS) networks
•more reliable network automounts and launch of network applications
•improved OpenGL technology and updated ATI and NVIDIA graphic drivers
•additional FireWire audio and USB device compatibility
•updated Calculator, DVD Player, Image Capture, and Safari applications
•improved compatibility for third party applications
•previous standalone security updates
Mit dem Update sollen lästige Timeouts in Safari genauso der Vergangenheit angehören, wie Probleme nach Änderung der iDisk Größe. Neu in 10.3.6 ist außerdem eine 'WMC connectivity capability for Nokia 7610 phones', was auch immer das sein mag.
Erfahrungsberichte von Frühinstallateuren werden gerne in den Kommentaren entgegengenommen.

Die Feinheiten finden sich wie gewohnt in der Knowledge Base:

Internet and .Mac

  • Resovles an issue in which Safari might not load webpages correctly when the hard drive name included a non-ASCII character such as a symbol, diacritical, or two-byte character.
  • Safari no longer times out after 60 seconds when attempting to connect to a webpage or to submit form data. With this update, Safari will keep trying indefinitely (or until you cancel the attempt).
  • With this update, a synchronized iDisk correctly resizes .Mac storage after its allocation changes.
  • Addresses a kernel panic issue that could occur when using an external, wireless USB broadband modem with Mac OS X 10.3.5.


  • Improves AFP service performance.
  • Addresses a situation in which a file name change that occured on a server while a client was running Terminal resulted in the client Terminal's failure to recognize the change.
  • Addresses an issue that could prevent login via a network user account.
  • Resolves an issue for Mac OS X 10.3.5 in which, sometimes, network-based applications could not open an application from an automounted AFP volume, such as /Network/Applications/.
  • SMB/CIFS servers in /Network no longer suddenly disappear and reappear after the network changes.


  • Addresses an issue that could occur when using some scholastic information management applications with Mac OS X 10.3.5; this alert could appear: "Another module has 'locked' the MS Tx file. You will gain access when their task is completed."
  • Addresses an issue in which "zooming" in Halo 1.0.5 could lead to blurry video when using certain Nvidia video cards.
  • Many calculating and conversion features within Calculator are improved by this update.
  • Addresses an issue in which TextEdit could unexpectedly quit when changing text from Euphermia regular to italic.
  • Addresses an issue for Mac OS X 10.3.5 in which Final Cut Pro HD 4.5 could unexpectedly quit.


  • Improves ColorSync calibrating for Apple Cinema HD Display (23-inch DVI) displays.
  • Resolves an issue in which the display could sometimes remain dark when waking from display sleep (the mouse pointer might appear, but normal function could not be restored) if using Screen Saver password on a portable computer.
  • Adds WMC connectivity capability for Nokia 7610 phones.
  • Addresses an issue for Mac OS X 10.3.5 in which some glyph fonts, certain "Expert" or "dingbat" fonts, would no longer appear in some applications.
  • Resolves a situation in which incorrect characters could show up for some fonts.
  • Addresses some issues that could cause Classic to unexpectedly quit when starting up.
  • This update makes it easier to scroll through a long list of user names in the login window.
  • Includes recent Security Updates.

Update: MacFixIt listet mögliche Problemfelder beim 10.3.6 Update; Lösungsansätze zur diskutierten DNS Problematik finden sich ebenfalls bei MacFixIt und bei macosxhints.ch .

Posted by Leo at 22:42 | Permalink


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