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MacOrama für den 2. November 2004

"As promised several weeks ago, iPodlounge is proud to announce the immediate availability of the iPodlounge Buyers’ Guide 2004 for free download from the links and locations below. It contains the world's first review of Apple's new iPod Photo." 4,5 MB PDF Download.

AI berichtet vom 10.4 Pre-Release: "Burnable Folders provides users with an easy way to store files that need to be burnt to optical media on a regular basis, offering Mac users an effortless backup option built directly into the Mac OS Finder.[…] Another feature discovered in recent builds of Tiger is Finder "Smart Folders." Although this feature was present in previous builds, sources claim that it has gained flexibility and integration with Spotlight."
Weiter geht es mit der 10.4 Berichterstattung bei AppleInsider: "In the most recent builds of the forthcoming OS, Apple has revised its Navigation Services (open and save dialog boxes) to seamlessly incorporate the search technology. In addition to a build-in Spotlight search field, the dialogs sport a Spotlight location bar to further refine searches, effectively reducing the time and patience required to locate files in the file system." Außerdem sollen Screenshots im PNG Format gespeichert werden und Safari PDF Dateien ohne Hilfe darstellen können.
Update: Weiteres zu den aktuellen 10.4 Builds (manches neu, manches nicht so neu) in drei Artikeln bei macosxrumors.com: eins, zwei und drei.

Quicksilver 1.0b32, installiert sich bei Schon-Nutzern komplett selbständig. Entspannend.

Macbidouille: "It had to happen one day, Apple disabled the use of iPod Download in iTunes 4.7. But this fix seems to have been done quite hastily and is pretty easy to overcome."

BBC NEWS: "Produced by Jupiter Research the analysis of the portable media player market found only 13% of Europeans want to watch video while out and about. By contrast, almost a third are interested in listening to music on a portable player such as an iPod."

Und natürlich ein germansprachiger Fehler.

Der MacOrama-Bonusfeed:

Posted by Leo at 09:32 | Permalink


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