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MacOrama für den 7. November 2004

macoramaA-TEM-BE-RAUBEND was
da unter der bahnbrechenden Überschrift 'Wissenschaftler nutzt Handy als Fernbedienung' meldet: "Ackermann nutzt dafür die Bluetooth-Software, die sich vom Computer auf jedes programmierbare Handy aufspielen lässt. Dadurch kann das Handy zum Beispiel problemlos zur kabellosen Computermaus umfunktioniert werden. "Ich nutze das bei Powerpoint-Präsentationen auf Reisen. Dadurch spare ich mir ein Gerät mitzunehmen", erklärt der Wissenschaftler. Kosten fallen bei dieser Nutzung nicht an. "Das fällt unter interne Kommunikation wie das Herunterladen von Klingeltönen."

apple.com: "The Apple Developer Connection is now accepting entries for the Apple Dashboard Widget Contest. This is a terrific opportunity to begin developing Widgets for Tiger and to receive recognition for your work. Entries will be judged on technical excellence, innovation, and ease of use. The developer of the winning Widget will receive public recognition along with an Apple 40GB iPod. The contest is open exclusively to Apple Developer Connection members whose memberships include access to pre-release versions of Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger. Submissions must be made between November 5 and November 30, 2004."

tomster.blog über Apples sprachlichen Meisterleistungen in der Knowledge Base: "I guess, the days that Apple was a respectable computer manufacturer are definitely over now with Knowledgebase articles apparently being targeted at 15-year-old former Windows users who bought their first Mac after getting an iPod for their birthday. Call me arrogant, but not much longer and we'll be weeping for the long-gone-days of blissful 2.x percent marketshare..." Immerhin wissen wir inzwischen, wie man einen iMac trägt (sogar eingedeutscht).

Die iPod Fernbedienung bedient leider beim iPod Photo keine Slideshow fern, wie Engadget schreibt: "So basically, physically pressing the buttons on the iPod actually doesn’t do exactly the same thing as pressing the corresponding buttons on the, so expect a new accessory you’ll need to buy sometime soon if you want to browse through photos without having to set up the auto-advance timing feature."

iPodlounge: "For years, iPod tinkerers have known that holding down the correct two sequences of buttons (currently, hold Menu plus central Action button, then Reverse plus Action button) would reset an iPod and then bring up a hidden diagnostic mode. Various tests, including hard disk, screen, and Wheel diagnostics would appear, and the iPod could even be forced into a slave-like disk mode from this menu system."

Megapixel Mobiltelefone im Test bei MobileBurn: "In this quick and dirty, horribly un-scientific, seat of the pants comparison story, we square off three current megapixel cameraphones against each other. The contenders are the Sony Ericsson S700i, the Siemens S65, and the Motorola V710. I had planned on including the Nokia 7610 in this comparison, but had to return it before I could get to putting this story together. I'll toss some photos from the 7610 and some from the Sharp GX30 into the end of the story for you to look at."

Und natürlich ein gelöschter Fehler.

Der MacOrama-Zusatzfeed:

Posted by Leo at 16:21 | Permalink


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