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MacOrama für den 21. April 2005

MacOramaLaut Think Secret soll iTunes Mobile im Juni fertig werden: "iTunes Mobile 1.0 will be ready in time for Motorola to show off the finished product of the joint effort to potential customers by late summer, sources said." iTunes 4.8 soll bereits in den nächsten zwei Wochen veröffentlicht werden, allerdings keine grandiosen neuen Funktionen mitbringen.
Moto-Chef Zander bestätigte derweil bei der eigenen Quartalszahlenpräsentation das iTunes Phone, wie in der Financial Times zu lesen ist: "Motorola, the world's second-largest mobile phone maker, on Wednesday night confirmed plans to launch a new phone that will play digital music downloaded from Apple Computer's iTunes online music site. Ed Zander, chief executive, said the iTunes product would be coming out in the next few months."

Ein angeblicher (!) Apple Mitarbeiter postet unter dem Namen 'As seen on TV' bei Slashdot Kommentare (Kommentar 1; Kommentar 2) zur weiteren Spotlight-Entwicklung: "Let's say you take that picture of your dog and drop it in a Pages document, then export the document as a PDF and mail it to your sister Jan. The computer records, as metadata, the fact that that picture of your dog is related to Jan. It knows that put associated the picture with that Pages document, that the Pages document was associated with the PDF file, and that the PDF file was associated with an e-mail to Jan." Ausgegraben von Bill Brown, via kottke und auf deutsch bei den MacGuardians.

Derrick Story hat sich auf der NAB Tiger näher angesehen und eine sehr interessante Kleinigkeit ausgegraben: "But get this, you can save an Automator script as a Finder "plug-in," which is Apple's terminology for a CM (contextual menu) item, accessible via a right-click of the mouse. What this means is that you'll be able to write your own CMs with Automator in just a matter of minutes."

Washington Post: "Greenberg, an NBC contributor, confirmed yesterday that he has received payments from Apple as well as Sony, Hewlett-Packard, Seiko Epson, Creative Technology and Energizer Holdings, charging $15,000 apiece to talk up their products on news shows." Das WallStreetJournal berichtete bereits gestern: "Mr. Greenberg has charged companies $15,000 per tour to get their products on local news programs, according to a copy of one of his contracts. Mr. Greenberg says paying clients he has mentioned on local shows include: Sony Corp., Hewlett-Packard Co., Seiko Epson Corp. and Energizer Holdings Inc. Mr. Greenberg has also appeared on national shows, including "The Wall Street Journal Report with Maria Bartiromo," a weekly syndicated business program produced by CNBC, a division of NBC. In a February broadcast about digital music, Mr. Greenberg mentioned products made by Apple Computer Inc. and Creative Technology Ltd. Mr. Greenberg says Apple was a client more than a year ago." Stellungnahme von Apple steht bislang aus.

Paul Thurrott (!) stellt in einem 'Tiger Feature of the Day' die Burnable Folders vor: "A Burn Folder is a special Finder folder (like a Smart Folder) that contains shortcuts to files or folders you might regularly burn to CD or DVD. I call it a special folder because it doesn't actually contain files and folders. Instead, it contains shortcuts (or aliases, in Mac-speak) to files and folders that exist elsewhere on the Mac."

Dass der Monochrom-iPod ausgedient hat, ist seit der Preisreduzierung des iPod photo ist prinzipiell klar. Seit dem letzten iPod Updater wird er bereits nur noch als 'iPod with color display' bezeichnet und nun ist dapreview.net beim Stöbern aufgefallen, dass Apple bei seinen iPod Handbücher zwar noch eines explizit für den iPod photo listet, aber bereits das identische Dokument existiert, in dem der 'photo' Zusatz verschwunden ist.

SecurityFocus Kolumne: "Just as Windows users have become accustomed to 140,000 viruses, Apple users have become accustomed to none. It's a major cultural difference that admittedly, sometimes causes Apple users to do stupid things -- and get away with them. It's hard to describe the freedom of using a system with no malware known to have spread. It's liberating."

OSNews.com: "This article aims to give a little insight into the techniques I use to reverse engineer OS X in order to provide extra functionality to users and extra information to third-party developers. In this article all the utilities I use are a standard part of OS X's developer tools which are freely available. Commercial disassemblers may offer more features but I hope this article will give a feel for how things can be done with free tools." Mir völlig unverständlich, aber möglicherweise für den ein oder anderen Leser nicht uninteressant.

Einen iTMS Gutschein für das auch im iPod shuffle Spot verwendete Jerk it out der Caesars gibts im Austausch für Email-Adresse/Newsletterregistrierung. MTV verlost zudem einen iPod shuffle, nach Beantwortung einer massiv komplizierten Frage und unter Angabe von Name, Alter und Adresse. (beides via iPod-news.de)

Playlist: "In this continuing “and you” series, we turn our attention specifically to iTunes’s Join Tracks command and, more broadly, to the issue of gaps between tracks in iTunes and on the iPod."

Jetzt kann man sich aber wirklich mal für die Apple Expo in Paris (20-24. September) registrieren (und für die Keynote am 20. gleich mit).

SubEthaEdit 2.1.2, fit für 10.4 und mit integriertem Conference Kit. Release Notes. Außerdem: "From today to Friday, 29th of April 2005 we are celebrating the imminent release of Apple's new operating system "Tiger" and the release of the "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" movie, a tale that inspired SubEthaEdit's name. Hence every customer purchasing a commercial SubEthaEdit license within the celebration period receives one additional license key, that he can give to a fellow carbon based life form or use for his or her second head."

Posted by Leo at 12:33 | Permalink


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