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MacOrama für den 26. April 2005 [Update_2]

MacOramaGiles Turnbull macht sich Gedanken über Spotlight und die Konsequenzen auf die Findernutzung: "I thought the most interesting quote came in the informal chat session after the presentation. We were all hanging round drinking good quality tea, munching those delicious biscuits you only get in hotel hospitality suites, when I heard Brian talking to another journalist: "The first thing you start doing is cease using hierarchy as a means of storing stuff. I know this, because I've been using this for a few months and I don't bother to file things anymore. I don't give a rat's ass where my files are, because Spotlight finds everything for me." That's the crucial, boiled-to-the-bone reality of something like Spotlight. If it really is capable of finding what you need, why bother keeping your stuff in any kind of order?"

Update: Wie bereits gestern Abend bei macprime.ch zu lesen war, sind die Flaggenbuttons der bald neuen iTMS-Länder bereits auf Apples Servern zu finden:

AI Quellen berichten von neuen Power Macs, die bereits an einige Apple Retail Stores geliefert werden: "The models spotted were dual 2GHz, 2.3GHz, and 2.7GHz. All three versions reportedly sport new dual-layer DVD burners. The dual 2GHz configuration reportedly includes 512 ram, a 160 hard disk, and a 128MB ATI Radeon 9600 graphics card." Immerhin ist heute Dienstag und die Lieferzeit für die überfälligen Power Macs, iMacs und eMacs ist kürzlich in die Höhe geschnellt.
Oder halt doch morgen:
Pm Kiste
Update_2: Amazon hat bereist ein Dual 2,7 GHz Modell gelistet: "Mac OS X10.4, code named Tiger; Dual 2.7 GHz PowerPC G5 processors; 512 MB of DDR SDRAM; 250 GB hard drive; 16x Dual Layer SuperDrive (CD/DVD+RW) für knapp unter 3000$. (via MacRumors) Dual 2 GHz und Dual 2,3 GHz sind ebenfalls schon zu finden.

CCC ist noch nicht 10.4 tauglich, ein Bug verhindert momentan die Authentifizierung. xlr8yourmac verweist auf einen entsprechenden Thread im zugehörigen Forum: "Apple has broken all of my apps under Tiger. Its a really stupid, simple little bug that affects authentication. I'll fix my apps as soon as possible but I'm hoping Apple will fix the bug," schreibt Mike Bombich dort.

Paul Thurrott erzählt von den Finder Slideshows in 10.4: "While the slideshow is running, you can bring up the slideshow menu by moving the mouse. The menu has six buttons: Back, Play/Stop, Next, Index Sheet, Fit to Screen, and Close. You can also quit the slideshow by pressing the ESC key."

In Vorfreude auf 10.4 hat Frank bereits einen Tipp für das Wetter-Widget zu bieten: Wer wie Steve Jobs in der SF'05-Keynote bei dem Wetter-Widget durch die Anzeigemöglichkeiten (Sonne, Regen, Wind etc.) blättern will, sollte Alt+Apfel drücken und dann auf das Symbol klicken (z.B. Sonne)."

EMSNow: "Apple has recently added Quanta Computer as an OEM supplier of its iBook (formerly only Asustek supplied iBook), with orders for 14.1-inch widescreen models to ship 4Q05. Quanta also makes some Apple PowerBooks. Asustek will ship the iBook 15.4-inch in 2006, as well as the 12.1-inch iBook and 12.1-inch PowerBook (a large majority of Asustek's OEM notebook shipments are for Apple)." (Danke, Marc!)

Anekdote des Tages: Bono war in Seattle unter anderem zu Besuch bei Bill Gates wie Reuters berichtet: "Asked if their friendship would entice him to buy one of Microsoft rival Apple Computer Inc.'s black-and-red U2 edition iPods, Gates said: "Absolutely not."

TMO berichtet über Credit Suisse First Bostons derzeitige AAPL Einstufung: ""We expect iPod to continue to deliver strong growth, but its position as the HDD and flash MP3 market leader will eventually limit its growth to that of the market. In the PC market, however, Apple's 2% share has significant upside opportunity regardless of market growth." Mr. Semple estimated that Apple's product offerings, excluding the eMac, only addressed 22 percent of the PC market until the release of the Mac mini, which pushed that number to "almost 100 percent."

Mercury News: "John Wiley & Sons, a leading publisher of technology books, said Apple Computer has removed all its titles from the shelves of Apple stores in apparent retaliation for the upcoming publication of a biography of Apple CEO Steve Jobs."

Tag-Tipps für ecto 2.3: "The tags list in ecto seems to be a simple list of checkboxes. If you have a lot of tags, finding and selecting tags can be cumbersome. For that reason, I implemented a quick keyboard only tag selection and creation mechanism."

Sony's PSP wird in Europa offiziell erst am 01. September auf dem Markt kommen, mit dem (Zwangs-No-)Value Pack für 249 EUR.

GarageBand 2.0.1, über die Softwareaktualisierung (oder direkt) zu haben und 14,4 MB groß: "GarageBand 2.0.1 addresses issues with duplicating tracks, playhead snapping to grid, joining software instrument regions on adjacent tracks, making precise adjustments to volume and pan settings, and converting Software Instrument Apple Loops based on drum sounds into Real Instrument Apple Loops. It also addresses an issue where recorded Real Instrument regions may not properly adjust to changes in the project key."
Für Xsan gibt es ebenfalls ein Update auf v1.0.1.

Posted by Leo at 12:08 | Permalink


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