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MacOrama für den 2. Juni 2005

MacOrama"Compared to a year ago where Apple's philosophy on flash versus microdrive was clearly in favor of microdrives, we believe Apple has changed its stance," the firm said. Moving forward it's believed that Apple will utilize flash storage in iPods other than the iPod shuffle.[...] Meanwhile, Wu discounted rumors of a imminent 4 GB flash-based iPod, saying prices of 4 GB flash chips have not dropped to a point where it is economical to put them into a digital music player" so ein American Technology Research Analyst. Bericht bei AI. Bei macosxrumors wird hartnäckig das Display-für-den-shuffle-Gerücht gewälzt: "The display will be a grayscale LCD with LED backlight, sized about 3 inch by 0.7 inch. Functionnality of the buttons could also be a bit different on the 2GB model so as to adapt to the LCD capabilities such as the possible support of multiple playlists mentioned in one of the reports."

"HIS name is Carlos. He's cute, in that rumpled Williamsburg-geeky way. And he's smart, really smart - you can tell the instant you meet him. Sitting across from you at the blond-wood bar, looking deeply into your eyes, he gently confides: "I think you're going to need a new battery." So goes a typical tension-filled encounter at the Apple Store's Genius Bar, where the men of the help desk have become a draw for New York's damsels in hard-drive distress." So beginnt der Artikel der New York Post (kostenl. Reg. erforderl.) über die neuen 'late-night hours' der Genius Bar im Apple Store SoHo.

"Microsoft has gone one up on the Blue Screen of Death less often: it has created a red version for Longhorn to indicate more serious problems." Ooops, damit hätte ich schon den kompletten Artikel zitiert. (via Macmischief)

"Mit Firstgate Click & Buy können Kunden der europäischen iTunes Music Stores - ausgenommen der Schweiz - Musik, Hörbücher und Geschenkgutscheine wahlweise per Lastschrift, Kreditkarte, Debitkarte oder Rechnung bezahlen" gibt Apple per Pressemeldung bekannt. Im deutschen iTMS sollen inzwischen über 1,3 Millionen Titel zur Auswahl stehen.

"I think Apple sees a lot of opportunities with WiMAX. And I think Intel sees a lot of opportunity in getting Apple to support WiMAX. Because the applications that WiMAX will support don't really exist yet. Sure, we're going to see wireless last-mile proliferate using WiMAX, but that's the easy part", glaubt Corantes John Yuncker.

SharePoints 3.5.3 löst ein Problem mit G3 Macs.

Und der WWDC Fehler-Countdown schreitet voran. Heute mal mit Unwetter.

Posted by Leo at 11:00 | Permalink


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