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Doch kein Apple Merchandising für die Retail Stores
Ende Juli berichtete ifoapplestore von Apples Plänen, eigene Merchandising-Artikel nicht mehr nur im Cupertino-Firmenladen anzubieten, sondern Logo-verzierte Shirts, Socken, Kulis etc. auch in die eigenen Retail Stores zu bringen. Das erwies sich inzwischen als ausgemachte Ente: "Lately I've been the target of attempts to get bogus information posted, and have been able to fend off most of them. Regrettably, however, one did slip through: sales of logo merchandise at Apple's stores. While Apple does sell such items at its Cupertino company store, there is no truth to the previous report here that such sales will move to other stores", so Gary Allen heute auf ifoapplestore.com.
Posted by Leo at 13:09 | Permalink
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