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MacOrama für den 3. August 2005
"The executive of a local entertainment technology company said that a manufacturer in Taiwan, whom he would not name, told him directly that it is right now producing an iPod to support video entertainment. This product should be out in at least six months, he said. The executive did not want to be named to protect the manufacturer's contract with Apple." Bei Inside Bay Area. I HEART gossip. You HEART gossip. We HEART gossip.
"Apple today announced that Dashboard, a widely acclaimed feature in its Mac OS version 10.4 "Tiger" operating system, now has over 1,000 widgets available at www.apple.com/downloads/dashboard/, with dozens more being added every day and many more available from other web sites." 80% davon dürften bislang unter die Kategorie 'Schrott' fallen.
Der AppleCare Protection Plan für den iPod sinkt von 79 auf 59 EUR. Anfang Juli war in den USA außerdem der Preis für den iPod Akkuaustausch auf 66$ gesenkt worden, in Deutschland ist dieser allerdings nach wie vor jedoch mit 130,60 EUR veranschlagt. (via Macworld UK)
"Ein kleiner Mitgliedervergleich der deutschen Macforen."" von HeckMeck. (Danke, Andi!)
Ein MacBidouille-Leser fand in seinem iMac G5 Karton die Zusammensetz- und Verpackanleitung desselben: "Everything is described from the number and the type of screws, till the different steps corresponding to the station number. In total, an imacG5 requires to go through 10 steps to be assembled and packed."
iStumbler Release 95 bringt unter anderem ein Widget mit. Change Log.
Posted by Leo at 16:31 | Permalink
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