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Samstags-MacOrama für den 20. August 2005

MacOrama"As Apple moves from a hard disk-based iPod to a flash-based iPod Mini player at the 4-GByte capacity, the switch could leave other NAND customers scrambling for supply, the market research company said. In a report issued Friday (Aug. 19th), iSuppli memory analyst Nam Hyung Kim said sources told him that Samsung has offered Apple “extremely low prices on its Nand parts” in order to convince Apple to switch from HDD storage to NAND memory for the 4-GByte-density iPod." Dies meldet EETimes.

ziemlich einfacher Umschlag
Das EasyEnvelopes Widget von Ambrosia bereitet (mit Adressbuchanbindung) das Bedrucken von Briefumschlägen vor. (via tezeeh dot info)

"ClamXav is a free virus checker for Mac OS X. It uses the very popular ClamAV open source antivirus engine to scan mail and attachments. As a testament to its effectiveness, Apple now bundles ClamAV with Mac OS X Server 10.4. Unfortunately for those who are not system administrators, ClamAV is a command line tool, so it isn't user-friendly for the average Mac owner. That's why Mark Allan developed ClamXav. It uses the powerful ClamAV engine and definitions, but adds a more accessible user interface. This article explains how to use ClamXav, and it includes an interview with its developer, Mark Allan." Im MacDevCenter.

Gerrit hat sich Gizmo näher angesehen: "Die Nutzerführung orientiert sich stark an Skype, aber zumindest unter Mac OS X sieht das noch eine Spur eleganter aus. Der eigentliche Karma-Gewinn kommt allerdings durch die Tatsache zustande, dass für die Übertragung das Standard-VoIP-Protokoll verwendet wird und nicht etwa etwa Proprietäres, wie das bei Skype der Fall ist."

Posted by Leo at 14:34 | Permalink


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