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Moto-Chef: "Screw the nano." [Update]
Motorola-Chef Ed Zander zeigt sich in einem IDG-Interview dem iPod nano schwer verfallen: "Screw the nano. What the hell does the nano do? Who listens to 1,000 songs?" Zander said. People are going to want devices that do more than just play music, something that can be seen in many other countries with more advanced mobile phone networks and savvy users, he said." Die Neuvorstellung des nano im direkten Anschluss an das SCHMOKR scheint bei Zander zu einer tiefgreifenden Aversion geführt zu haben. Nach dieser Aussage darf man sich durchaus fragen, ob nicht doch Motorola die klägliche Zwangslimitierung des ROKR auf 100 Titel mitzuverantworten hat. (via Infinite Loop)
Update: Laut einer Motorola-Stellungnahme wurde das Zitat aus dem Kontext gerissen, wie BetaNews meldet: "Company officials say Zander was smiling and joking when he responded to the question, and he did praise Apple and its iPod.[...] "During the Q&A session one questioner repeatedly and insistently asked what Zander thought of the Nano. Jokingly, Zander said he wasn't there to talk about the Nano - but to talk about the next big thing happening in the industry - the fusion of the phone and music. ROKR with iTunes was a good beginning, he said, and there's more to come."
Posted by Leo at 11:22 | Permalink
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