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Steve spricht [Update_3]

Spy Jobs"Apple Computer Inc. Chief Executive Steve Jobs said on Tuesday that the company was on track to ship Intel-based computers as targetted by June 2006. "We are on track to do that," Jobs told a news conference in Paris, referring to the plan announced in June this year." Viel mehr gibt der Reuters-Artikel bislang allerdings nicht her. MacBidouille veröffentlicht derweil Spionagefotos von Jobs.
Update: Außerdem sprach sich Jobs gegen Preiserhöhungen im iTMS aus. Tatsächlich waren Labels mit dem Ziel an ihn herangetreten, Preise über 0,99$ zu drücken. Jobs sagte, dass die Labels mehr Gewinn beim Verkauf über den iTunes Music Store machen als bei einer herkömmlichen CD. "So if they want to raise the prices it just means they're getting a little greedy", zitiert AP.
Update_2: Macworld UK hat fleissig mitnotiert, so gibt es Jobs-Zitate zum Mac und den kursierenden OSX86-Versionen (“We don’t know how having OS X available for PCs would affect Macs”, and promised, “we will have technology in OS X for Intel so that it cannot be installed in other PCs”), zum ROKR (“We wrote the iTunes software for that phone”, he said. “We see it as something we can learn from. It was a way to put our toe in the water, and learn something”), zum iPod video (“You can already download movies on the iTunes Music Store, and some albums offer video as an incentive to buy the music. We also offer video podcasts, but will people buy a video device just to watch this video? So far they haven’t. No one has been successful with that yet”), zum Geheimnis des iPod-Erfolges (“The iPod looks like a piece of hardware, but it’s not. It’s software. And iTunes is the best jukebox and iTunes Music Store is the best digital music distribution service”) und zu Bluetooth für den iPod (“With Bluetooth, songe take a while to download. And if you have Bluetooth headphones you have to charge them as well as the iPod. People don’ want to do that. Also the sound isn’t good enough”).
Update_3: Bernd Graf erzählt in seinem SZ-Blog von der Pressekonferenz: "Der erstaunlichste Satz dieses erstaunlichen Mannes war wohl dieser: "Ich sehe so viele Dinge, aber sie gefallen mir nicht. Kein gutes Design, you know. Darum habe ich aufgehoert, Dinge zu kaufen. I stopped buying." Kann man sich das vorstellen? Ein Milliardaer, der nicht mehr kaufen moechte, weil es nichts mehr gibt, was ihm gefaellt?"

Posted by Leo at 10:47 | Permalink


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Foto: Christoph DernbachTimothy D. Cook, Executive Vice President Worldwide Sales and Operations, Steve Jobs, CEO, Jon Rubinstein, Senior Vice President iPod Division und Philip W. Schiller, Senior Vice President Worldwide Product Marketing: das Fhr... [Mehr erfahren]

verlinkt am 20.09.2005 22:23:05