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MacOrama für den 4. Oktober 2005

MacOramaNach Quellen von macnews.net.tc soll um den 07. Oktober herum ein Apple Event den Video iPod für 499$ ankündigen: "With a larger screen, overall a tad smaller size, the "big" iPod will have 60 and 80 GB drives and have the ability to view music videos, video podcasts as well as a selection of licensed TV shows, cartoons and short films from iTMS."
"Sources also continue to support rumors that the new iPods will gain video playback functionality, but have provided very little evidence backing their assertions", so AI.

Apple wächst: "Apple Computer Inc. has been quietly but consistently leasing tens of thousands of additional square footage in its hometown of Cupertino, beginning at the end of 2004 and continuing into this year, according to public records and commercial real estate sources." San Jose BusinessJournal.

Am 11. Oktober wird Apple seine Q4/2005-Zahlen verkünden, Audiostream wie gewohnt vorhanden. UBS Warburg erwartet über 8 Millionen verkaufte iPods.

NetNewsWire könnte (ebenso wie Feeddemon) von Newsgator aufgekauft werden. "Sources in Silicon Valley tell me that this deal is pretty much done, and expect the deal to be announced sometime on Wednesday at Web 2.0", so Om Malik.

iPod nano = Hostentasche = Waschmaschine. Musste ja passieren.

Einige Backup 3-QuickPicks (unter anderem für ecto, Widgets und NewsFire) bei ...on a long piece of string.

Writeboard ist eine kostenlose Möglichkeit zum kollaborativen Online-Textbearbeiten, natürlich von 37signals.

Alter Kram vom Wochenende:
Anleitung für einen 200GB iPod nano
Motorola-Chef Zander heizt die steten Apple Smartphone-Gerüchte an ("And we know that they are going to build a smart phone--it's only a matter of time")
10.4.3 landet bei Build 8F31, enthält Hinweise auf neue Power Macs und PowerBooks; iTunes 5.0.2 scheint ebenfalls knapp bevorzustehen
MacBidouille listet die Seriennummern der überarbeiteten Mac minis.
Apple sucht nach einem "Sr. Construction Finance Manager" für die Expansion der hauseigenen Retail Stores. "Among the key qualifications are, "International experience in Europe, Asia. Foreign language helpful (French, German or Italian), so ifoapplestore.com.

Posted by Leo at 12:46 | Permalink


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