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Steve Jobs Interviewschnippsel

3,24 Zeilen Steve Jobs-Weisheiten bei Fortune: "He isn’t done with the mobile-phone business, despite the disappointing reaction to the iTunes phone he launched recently with Motorola and Cingular. Jobs says he’s happy with Apple’s part of its first telephony experiment. "There are more phones yet to roll out," he says with a sly smile, adding, "Cingular has been great to work with." Jobs kann in Interviews nicht einfach nur lächeln, stets suggeriert nämlich die exakte Art und Weise seines Lächelns (verschmitzt, gewitzt, milde, müde, charmant, larmoyant, etc.) dem geübten Beobachter schon Apples künftiges Über-Produkt.

Posted by Leo at 21:41 | Permalink


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