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Updates für iLife '06

In der Softwareaktualisierung finden sich Updates für die beinahe ganze iLife '06-Palette, Neustart ist nicht erforderlich:
iPhoto 6.0.1 (13,7 MB): «This update to iPhoto resolves issues with photocasting, viewing thumbnails in large libraries, and ordering cards, calendars and books. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.»
iWeb 1.0.1 (19,1 MB)«This update to iWeb 1.0 addresses issues related to publishing and blogs. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.»
iDVD 6.0.1 (5,3 MB): «This update to iDVD 6 resolves issues with integration with the other iLife applications, importing of legacy projects and some theme related issues. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.»
iTunes 6.0.3 (18,7 MB): «iTunes 6.0.3 includes stability and performance improvements over iTunes 6.0.2.»
iMovie HD 6.0.1 (52,6 MB): «This update to iMovie HD 6 resolves issues with Ken Burns rendering performance, Scrubber Bar editing performance and theme image quality. It also addresses a number of other minor issues.»
Direktdownloads über apple.com: iTunes 6.0.3; iDVD 6.0.1; iMovie HD 6.0.1; iWeb 1.0.1 und iPhoto 6.0.1.

Posted by Leo at 23:02 | Permalink


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