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Weiterer Touchscreen-Patentantrag von Apple [Update]
Die Flut an Veröffentlichungen von Apple-Patentanträgen, die sich mit der Bedienung von Touchscreen-Geräten auseinandersetzt, nimmt kein Ende. #0060053387 (im September 2005 eingereicht und heute veröffentlicht) beschreibt: «A method of operating the touch screen computer in response to a user is provided. A virtual input device is provided on the touch screen. The virtual input device comprises a plurality of virtual keys. It is detected that a user has touched the touch screen to nominally activate at least one virtual key, and a behavior of the user with respect to touch is determined. The determined behavior is processed and a predetermined characteristic is associated with the nominally-activated at least one virtual key.»
Dies zeigt eine Vorschau des Buchstabens der virtuellen Tastatur, über der sich der Bedienfinger gerade bewegt.
Zwei weitere Skizzen nach dem Klick.
Bei einer bestimmten Auswahlgeste kann die virtuelle Tastatur erweiterte Auswahl zu einzelnen Tasten darstellen.
In diesem Beispiel könnte das Auslösen der Delete-Taste einen höheren Druck erfordern als das der Keep-Taste.
Update: MacRumors ergänzt: «As a final interesting hint, in July of 2005 a small company called FingerWorks cryptically posted that they had ceased operations as a business. Multiple reports indicated that the company had been sold, but details were scarce. According to individuals close to the company, Apple had indeed purchased the company and related technology/patents. At the time, FingerWorks had offered advanced input devices, including a multi-touch product called iGesture Pad which allowed users to use Gestures to interface with their Mac.»
Posted by Leo at 17:00 | Permalink
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