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Apple gewinnt Rechtsstreit mit Beatles-Label [Update_3]

Apple CorpsLondons High Court hat laut Reuters geurteilt: Apple (Computer) hat keine Markenverletzung gegenüber Apple Corps begangen. Entsprechend darf das Apple-Logo weiterhin in und rund um den iTunes Music Store verwendet werden. Das letzte gerichtliche Zusammentreffen zwischen den beiden Apfel-Logo-Firmen endete 1991 in einer außergerichtlichen Einigung, bei der Apple geschätzte 26,5 Millionen Dollar an das von den Beatles gegründete Label zahlte und letzterem die ausschließliche Verwendung des Logos im Musikgeschäft zusagte. «But Mr Justice Edward Mann ruled that the computer firm used the apple logo in association with its store, not the music, and so was not a breach», fasst die BBC zusammen. «"The primary reason there is no breach (of the 1991 deal) is because the use of the logo is still a permitted use as described in clause 4.3 of the 1991 agreement," the judge declared this morning.» «"I conclude that the use of the apple logo ... does not suggest a relevant connection with the creative work," Mann said in his written judgment. "I think that the use of the apple logo is a fair and reasonable use of the mark in connection with the service, which does not go further and unfairly or unreasonably suggest an additional association with the creative works themselves." Mann refused Apple Computer's application for an immediate interim payment of 1.5 million pounds ($2.8 million) from Apple Corps toward its legal costs, pending further hearings. Apple Corps faces a similar bill for its own legal expenses.»
Update: Apple Corps will in Berufung gehen: «In a statement obtained by Macworld UK, Aspinall says: "With great respect to the trial judge, we consider he has reached the wrong conclusion. We felt that during the course of the trial we clearly demonstrated just how extensively Apple Computer had broken the agreement. We will accordingly be filing an appeal.» Auch Steve Jobs meldete sich laut Macworld UK zu Wort: «"We are glad to put this disagreement behind us," said Jobs, who implied that he would much rather find a way to negotiate a mutually profitable deal than continued legal action. "We have always loved the Beatles, and hopefully we can now work together to get them on the iTunes Music Store," Jobs said.»
Update_2: «A spokeswoman for Apple Corps said that no decision had been made on when the Beatles' songs would be available to purchase online.»
Update_3: Wer sich durch die gesamte Urteilsbegründung schmökern will, kann das bei der Times Online problemlos machen.

Posted by Leo at 12:01 | Permalink


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