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Erste MacBook-Auspackfotos [Update_2]
Bildquelle: "IMG_0148.JPG" von pealco.
Auf flickr finden sich bereits die ersten MacBook-Auspackfotos, z.B. in diesem Set. Die neue Tastatur wirkt auf den ersten Blick noch etwas merkwürdig und das Display spiegelt offensichtlich. «"People have done glossy displays in the past, but it is only now that the quality is at a level that we are happy to put in our products,"» erklärte Phil Schiller gegenüber der Macworld. «"We left it out because the color changing just wasn't acceptable to us." While not on the MacBook Pros by default, the glossy display is available to those customers as a free option. "Our Pro users are used to the anti-glare display on the MacBook Pro and we didn't want to switch that on them."»
Weitere Detailaufnahmen bei Appleinsider.
Update_2: Zur Komplettierung noch die Auspackgalerie eines weißen MacBooks (inklusive direktem Vergleich mit dem 12" PowerBook). MacUser liefert die ersten Schnelleindrücke aus dem Apple Retail Store unter anderem zur neuen Tastatur und dem Glanz-Display: «It's glossy as all hell, though not, as I surmised, because it's lucite-covered, like the iPods' screens. In fact, there just seems to be some short of plastic sheet over the screen. I talked with a couple of Apple Store employees about it, and they were of mixed opinions. "I can imagine being on an airplane with this thing, and being able to see the reflections of everybody around you," said one. We agreed though that the colors somehow seemed more vivid when compared to the older iBook, though we weren't sure if it was just an optical illusion.»
Posted by Leo at 18:24 | Permalink
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Da war doch was neues ach ja dieses Macbook, davon habe ich jetzt eines seit 4 Tagen und es einmal ausführlich getestet und genutzt.
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verlinkt am 23.05.2006 13:00:59