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MacBook: Erste Eindrücke und Handbuch

Abschließend drei lesenswerte Eindrücke vom MacBook:
Jason Snell hat für die Macworld seine ersten Eindrücke zusammengefasst: «Speaking of love-it-or-hate-it features, this new MacBook features an entirely new keyboard style for Apple. No doubt the new style will quickly win adherents as well as vociferous critics, although in my brief tests with the keyboard it seemed fine.»
PC World-Chefredakteur Harry McCracken schreibt in seinem Blog: «Some of the nicest things about the MacBook don't relate to specs per se. This black version's matte case is extremely good-looking; it's plastic, unlike the aluminum housing on my PowerBook, but if anything, it's classier and more professional looking. (As well it should be, given that the $1499 black model commands a $200 premium over the version with 20GB less disk space and a shiny, white case that's more like that of the old iBook.) I don't think businessfolks who trade in a 12-inch PowerBook for a black MacBook will feel like they're slumming, even if the MacBook is a mere "consumer model."»
Und Egadgets Ryan Block hat es sich im Apple Store näher angesehen: «The glossy screen seemed to worry some people. If you've ever used a Sony XBRITE display (like the ones we use day in and day out here at Engadget HQ), you know a glossy display. The MacBook's was in fact a bit glossy, but was less glossy than a Sony -- all in all a pretty good trade off between enhanced brightness and contrast without any over the top reflectivity.»
Das MacBook-Handbuch (2,4MB PDF) und die Developer Note stehen außerdem den Schmökerwilligen zur Verfügung.

Posted by Leo at 18:08 | Permalink


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