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RED iPod nano vorgestellt [Update]

Red iPod
Seit Januar war der rote iPod nano nicht mehr als ein immer wieder aufgewärmtes Zwischendurch-Gerücht, nun reiht er sich tatsächlich in die Product Red-Produktreihe ein. «"Bono and I are going shopping to help save the world," Winfrey said.[...] After visiting the Gap, the two celebrities walked north several blocks to the Apple store, another Product Red participant, stopping traffic as a huge crowd of gawkers followed them, WGN-Ch. 9 reported. Inside, Winfrey bought 10 new red iPod Nanos, which Apple is introducing this week for Product Red. The sales of products and clothes bearing the label will go toward assisting African AIDS relief», so Chicago Tribune. Der offizielle Start soll im Laufe des Freitags bei Oprah verkündet werden, der rote iPod nano dürfte als 4GB Modell für 200$ in den Handel kommen. Zu diesem Anlass wurde sogar das schwebende Apple-Logo des 5th Avenue-Stores rot gefärbt (Danke, tk!).
iPod Product Red
Update: «"I love the fact that Bono is trying to do something about this problem," Apple's CEO Steve Jobs said in a phone interview. "I've never been to Africa, but you don't have to go there to know there are a lot of people dying of AIDS there. In a small way, this is something we could do about it."» Der rote iPod nano soll weltweit exklusiv über die Apple Stores vertrieben werden.

Posted by Leo at 00:30 | Permalink


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» RED iPod from Dany's Blog
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