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"Steve Jobs in a Box"

John Heilemann knüpft für das New York Magazine Steve Jobs Zukunft in einem ellenlangen Artikel an Erfolg oder Scheitern des iPhones: «No one else in history has pulled of this kind of coup, as Jobs has, with four different products. The Apple II. The Mac. The iPod. The computer-animated feature film. Betting against a track record like that would be a dangerous wager. Especially when you know, deep down, that you want an iPhone. Bad. But Jobs has been wrong before. And if the iPhone proves a disappointment, his reputation will take a precipitous tumble: from unerring visionary to just another overreaching mogul. What’s at stake for Jobs, then, isn’t money or power—for no matter how the iPhone fares, he’ll still have both in abundance. What’s at stake is the thing that now must matter to him above all: the ending of his story.»

Posted by Leo at 18:16 | Permalink


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