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AAPL: Durchhalteparolen von Steve Jobs
Mit einer internen E-Mail, die AppleInsider in die Finger geriet, wandte sich Steve Jobs in der vergangenen Woche an Apple-Mitarbeiter, um sich zu den drastischen AAPL-Einbußen der vergangenen Tage zu äußern und neues Vertrauen in die Aktie aufzubauen: «I continue to believe that our fundamentals - our remarkable people, our clear and focused strategy, our new product pipeline, our 200+ retail stores, our $18 billion of cash in the bank with no debt, etc., will serve us well in the coming months and years», so Jobs. «I believe that investors who stay with us will be rewarded as the market's confidence is restored over time. Hang in there.»
Posted by Leo at 01:39 | Permalink
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